
adding hosts

$ storm add [-h]  [--id_file ID_FILE] name connection_uri

where -h, id_file are optional arguments.


$ storm add my_vps
my_vps added to your ssh config. you can connect it by typing "ssh my_vps".

editing hosts

storm edit [-h] [--id_file ID_FILE] name connection_uri

Where -h, id_file are optional arguments.


$ storm edit my_vps
"my_vps" updated successfully.

updating multiple hosts all at once using regular expressions

storm update [-h] [--connection_uri CONNECTION_URI] [--id_file ID_FILE] name

Where -h, id_file and connection_uri are optional arguments.


$ storm update my_vps-[1-5] --o user=emre
"my_vps-[1-5]" updated successfully.

deleting hosts

$ storm delete name


$ storm delete my_vps
success hostname "my_vps" deleted successfully.

searching hosts

$ storm search git
Listing results for git:
  github ->

listing hosts

$ storm list
Listing hosts:
  vps ->
  netscaler -> root@

deleting all hosts

$ storm delete_all
all entries deleted.

custom ssh config directives

storm does not wrap/cover all of the SSHConfig directives since there is a billion of them. But, other than adding it manually to your ssh config file, you can use –o parameter to accomplish this.

It works both add and edit sub commands.

$ storm add web-prod --o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" --o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"

command aliases

create a config file in /home/$user/.stormssh/config:

    "aliases": {
        "add": ["create", "touch"],
        "delete": ["rm"]


connection uri format

defaults for user -> $USER, port -> 22 if they are not specified.

see ssh_uri_parser for further look.

web ui

New in version 0.5.

you can also use the web ui instead of commandline interface:

$ storm web
$ storm web 3333
$ storm web --debug

Changed in version 0.7: –port option was removed. –debug option is now defaults to False.